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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring Sphere Myth Exposed

Spring Sphere Myth Expose'

I have been receiving copy and paste emails from people outraged that "heathens" or Jews want to change the name of Easter eggs to "spring spheres" this supposedly comes from a school in Seattle. A teacher supposedly told a kid they had to use the term spring sphere...setting aside the obvious of what kind of teacher would call an egg a "sphere" I decided to do a bit of research as something didn't smell right. I.e....it stunk like an unfound Easter egg.  So I grabbed my Frappucino, my official research drink of choice and began to see how deep the conspiracy went. I wanted to see if indeed the "Jewish Cabal" might be behind it. After all don't 9 rabbis (scarily close to rabbits) run the entire world?  I digress...

With bated breath I googled "spring sphere" and got several pages of hits. Most of which were just copies in forums of the original FRIGHTENING email.  Then I found IT.  The article from a reporter in Seattle who had interviewed every teacher and janitor in the school that supposedly adapted this dastardly ban on the HOLIEST OF ALL DAIRY PRODUCTS and it came back to one person.  One very very clever 16 year old who apparently made it up for fun.  Christians the world over were ready to take up arms to defend their holiday and precious colored eggs against this conspiracy that threatened to topple egg hunting as we know it.   But indeed it was not true and joins the ranks of thousands of other Scary Internet Conspiracy  Myths that cause fear and prejudice.

Now,  I took this particular myth a bit personally as I have a Jewish household. My partner is a Passover Lovin Jew and as American as anyone can get. There have been some less than civil comments that maybe us "spring sphere "lovers should leave ifn we don't cotton to Easter eggs and tradition.  America...Love It Or Leave It.  Can't I love it, stay and expect some respect for my religion or lack thereof?  Are those my only options? I object!!!
So, let me let you in on a bit of a secret my hysterical friends....Passover is as traditional as it gets.  And Jews don't give a crap what Christians do on Easter, they have their own rituals.  So if you were expecting the Jewish Cabal to fight about this...they dont even know it exists.

I'll tell you who has gotten the most of this hysteria...a 16 year old who manipulated logical, thinking adults into spreading a malicious rumor that divides us even more as a nation.  It spreads hatred and intolerance. I don't blame her, but the adult bloggers who lack critical thinking skills and report with their emotions rather than their heads. Unsubstantiated, irresponsible and reprehensible.  IOW, adults should know better.  But when fear is the best currency by golly use it. No matter who it hurts.

So just to reassure those who didn't sit through this read.  Easter is safe, along with eggs and other dairy products and the Easter bunny is still hopping. This didn't happen.

Shalom Dadgummit
